Friday, September 3, 2021

The life with Covid-19


                                               When Covid-19 started vs now

    Writing about things that are recent is something I enjoy doing. In my English class we had an assignment called micro theme and we got to choose any topic. I decided to write about Covid-19 and ways to stay safe and protected but now I want to focus a little more about the effects Covid-19 had on many of us. This virus hit us when I was a junior in high school. When they announced that we were getting out of school I was very excited. I thought it was going to be like spring break and we were going to come back to school like nothing happened but little did I know that it was going to take the rest of my junior and senior year away from me.

    Learning from home can be stressful especially if you have to teach your younger siblings and yourself. When things wouldn't go my way or had too much on my shoulders I would take that out on the tennis courts or the swimming pool but Covid-19 also took that away from me, having to balance many things at once was exhausting on many occasions. Having to quarantine for months had a positive and negative impact on many people including me. For example some good things were spending time with loved ones or getting to know them a little bit better. But some bad things were that we were isolating ourselves from others we cared for and the world.  Not being able to leave the house makes you feel trapped and less productive.

    The pandemic also affected the economy because many lost their jobs or were afraid to go back to work. Millions of agricultural workers, wages and self employed while feeding the world, regularly face high levels of working poverty, malnutrition and poor health, and suffer from a lack of safety and labor protection as well as other types of abuse. With low and irregular incomes and a lack of social support, many of them are spurred to continue working, often in unsafe conditions, exposing themselves and their families to additional risks. Many essential workers continue to face a number of challenges, including greater risk of contracting the corona-virus than other workers. Compared to non essential workers, essential workers are more likely to report symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorders. Covid-19 had a huge toll on everyone and we are waiting for everything to get back to normal. A lot of people don't speak much about how Covid-19 affected them but it's a topic we'll have to hit one day. 

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