Friday, September 10, 2021

The real me :)


My dad bought me this on my last surgery and I still have it on my wall :)

Personal essays are my favorite. That's why I enjoyed writing one for my English class. I had many ideas that I wanted to talk about in my personal essay. I was iffy about some but I knew I wanted to write something that I overcame. At first I wanted to write about an accident I had a few years back, I was pushed from the top of the staircase and ended up breaking my right arm in two. Everything happened too fast, at that moment I didn't know what happened until I looked down. I saw my arm hanging and felt so much pain, I was rushed to the hospital and had surgery immediately. I felt like my life was over.

 My self-esteem hit rock bottom when I broke my inner arm. I felt like I had no hope in recovery. I went home a couple days after the accident. It was very difficult for me to do basic things I used to do. I couldn't take the long steamy showers like I wanted to because my cast couldn't get wet, I couldn't go and play like other kids did because of my arm. I was devastated because I thought things will never be the same. I eventually had to get used to my cast and how to work around it. 

Months went by and my doctor decided to take the cast off to see the healing process. When he took it off I realized that I couldn't bend or stretch my arm anymore and that my heart broke into pieces. I was so upset because I wanted everything to go back to normal but I had to be grateful that I still had my arm because I knew other people had it worse than me. A year went by and nothing changed till one day my parents decided to take me to a hospital in Indianapolis to get surgery for my  broken arm. I was extremely nervous but it was something I wanted to do. With my family's support I went through three surgery's in less than one year.

I had plenty of obstacles I had to but I knew it was going to benefit me, I had to go to many sessions of physical therapy and took many medications. I didn't complain one bit even though it was painful. My recovery was fast because I took it very seriously, till this day I can have some complications with my right arm. For instance when it gets super cold or rains I feel a sharp pain throughout my whole arm but that's something I can handle. I look back and reminisce on how I doubted myself for a while, how I believed I wouldn't do the things I enjoyed but now I take advantage of my ability to move my arm. I was able to pick up a racket and swim like I did before! That accident made me learn and grow a lot but that was a topic I wasn't ready to reveal in my personal essay so that's why I changed my topic at the very last minute but it was something that I overcame and made me the person I am today.

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