Friday, October 15, 2021

The land of the Cartel's


  1. One specific scene that really moved me was when a little girl was crying and holding her father. You can hear it in her voice that she was terrified for the safety of her and her parents. It makes me angry knowing that there are children that suffer from all that trauma they hear or see, they will never understand what people go through. People on the other side of the border have it rough. They literally have to fight to stay alive. They have to watch their surroundings and stay alert all the time because they never know what is coming their way. The cartels will terrorize their own country; they will kill and destroy anyone or anything that gets in their way. They don't care who it is or how old they are. They will harm people and the police would do nothing about it because the government can’t provide basic security and that's why they take advantage of people and their properties.  

  2. What surprised me during this documentary was the amount of violence and drug distribution that goes on. For example, there was a picture and the cartel was holding up a photo of the decapitated heads. Another example was a woman tearfully describing the barbaric murder of a baby. They were always prepared for action by wearing their group t-shirts and carrying weapons, breaking down the doors of suspected cartel members, roasting them from bed, and driving them from town. Tragedies like this are hard to forget because innocent people are dying and no one is willing to help.

  3. I still question why they hurt their own people, they are all struggling because the cartels are taking everything they have including family, friends or property and destroying it. They are trying to escape and go to the U.S for a better future for them and their kids but Tim Foley spends days and nights trying to snare illegal immigrants, whom they turn over to U.S authorities. So it gives them no choice but to trespass and protest. Why do they send people like Tim Foley to send back immigrants to a country that gets worse and worse by the day? Why can't they help make it a better country for them so they won't suffer from poverty and the cartels? They are not hard enough, that's why people like Tim will never understand how difficult it is to live in Mexico where there's danger everywhere you turn. It's so easy for him to send immigrants to the U.S authorities because he will never be in their shoes or suffer what they do on a regular basis. 

  4. We might avoid including research in our summaries because not everything can be accurate. Sometimes searching up certain things will give you false dates, time,s or places. Documentaries are useful, that's why it's beneficial to go based on the facts they give to you. Watching the documentary can also give you visual aid of the topic you are learning about, in this case, it's about cartels and the fight between both borders. Seeing this will give you a different perspective that google will not give you.

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