Thursday, September 30, 2021

The bad friend


    In class my professor talked about an article that she read over the weekend and it was called “ Who is the bad art friend?” Many students had their opinions about the situation, including me. I believe what Dorland did was the sweetest thing anyone could have done, many think she did it for attention but I don't. Dorland could have done many other things for example she could have donated her time, blood or participated in the community. There were plenty of things she could have done instead of donating her kidney, knowing there was risk during the procedure and in the recovery. She put her life on the line by that decision, donating a kidney can be very risky and has a lot of cons after the procedure.
    She could suffer from heavy bleeding, blocked bowel, infection and could have side effects such as feeling sick, diarrhea and long term pain. So many cons but that didn't stop her from doing what her heart desired to do. Dorland felt alone before she donated her kidney but her decisions gave her much higher self esteem and a sense of happiness. The transplant encouraged her to continue to write and that was a topic she talked about the most. She wrote about it and even made a Facebook page where she talked more about the surgery, people thought it was for attention and was getting annoying but others thought it was genuine.
     I'm not quite sure why people thought it was annoying for her to continue and discuss the process, it was a huge deal for her and she deserves to express herself and as much as she wants. She did something that others won't do and it changed her for the better. She talked a lot about it and wanted to be heard but her friend Sonya decided to write about it as well and took the letter Dorland wrote to the person she gave her kidney to. As a friend she didn't acknowledge her feelings when she took her letter. Sonya didn't give her friend any recognition either, and that made her very upset. A true friend would not take your work and use it as theirs without asking, she failed to be there for her through the transplant and failed to be a supportive friend when it came to writing. Getting it settled with a lawyer is the best thing both Sonya and Dorland can do to save both of their friendship and careers. 

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